De nyuddannede akademikere kommer meget hurtigere i arbejde nu end for få år siden. I 2003 havde kun 63 pct. af sommerdimittenderne fået arbejde i december måned. I december 2006 er hele 77 pct. af de nyuddannede fra sommeren 2006 kommet i arbejde.
- I Sverige tar det ett år innan 3 av 4 av de nyexaminerade har ett arbete. Helt uppenbart gör de något rätt i Danmark som vi gör fel i Sverige.
Många användningsområden för en hyrcontainer
7 månader sedan
1 kommentar:
miguelangelo westerberg - Portuguese artist who lives in São Paulo – Brazil and whose paintings have the experience and maturity of a 34-year-old painter. His coming to Brazil gave him the inspiration to create the movement “THE GLOBALIST ARTISTS”, within the purpose of rescuing the ignored and, sometimes, forgotten art by the mass communications.In his acrylic paintings he found a way to portray the inequalities of the world around him, as well as expose the occultism, abstract and mysticism existent in the particularity of each being. No matter if it is a simple object, landscape or a painted person, cause his real intention is define what seams undefined and get an explication for what is said to be incomprehensible for the most of the people. It’s relatively noticeable a mixture of paradoxes and metamorphoses in his masterpieces.
Enjoy his paitings
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